Scientific and educational journal "Vestnik"

The scientific and educational journal Vestnik is published by the National Defense University. Certificate of registration No. 13177-Zh, issued by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan on November 21, 2012. ISSN 2308-1112. The frequency of publication is 1 time per quarter.


Akhmetov J.H., Doctor of Military Sciences, Head of the Research Institute of the National Defense University.


Mukhamedzhanova S.S., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Military Sciences - Deputy Editor-in-Chief.

Executive Secretary Toybazarov D.O., Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor – Senior Researcher at the National Defense University, Colonel of the reserve.


  • Nurakov S. N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor – Professor of the Eurasian National Defense University.
  • Gruzin V. V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor - Senior Researcher of Armament and Military Equipment at the National Defense University.
  • Nagumanova Zh. M., Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – a leading researcher of military history and pedagogy at the National Defense University, Colonel.
  • Zheksenbinov B. N., Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor - Professor of the Department of Social Sciences and Pedagogy of the National Defense University, Colonel of the reserve.
  • Chernyagin D. P., Master's degree, is a leading researcher of weapons and military equipment at the National Defense University, Colonel.
  • Kalganbayeva A. S., Master's degree, - Head of the courses of social disciplines of the National Defense University - senior lecturer, Lieutenant Colonel.
  • Shohien A., Candidate of Law, Head of the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan - Senior lecturer, Major General.
  • Azizzoda H. D., - Head of the Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan.


1. In the scientific and educational journal «KHABARSHYSY-VESTNIK» articles are published in Kazakh, Russian and English, preference is given to the state language. Scientific articles submitted for publication should cover topical issues of geopolitics and security, military art, military theory and practice, military education and science, military training and education, comprehensive provision of troops, weapons, military and special equipment, military history.
2. The publication is published four (4) times a year, quarterly: № 1 (January-March); № 2 April-June); № 3 (July-September); № 4 (October-December). The receipt of manuscript materials in the next issue is carried out: - until February 25th; - until May 25th; - until August 25th; - until November 25th.
3. The manuscript of a scientific article should not exceed 4-8 pages, including tables (figures) in A4 format. The article is submitted to the editorial board (secretary) in electronic and paper versions (Office 2000, Word, Times New Roman,14 pt) in one copy.
The typeface of the Russian text in the magazine is Times New Roman, size – 10, single interval. For the text in the state language, the font is Times New Roman KZ, size – 10, single spacing.
4. The title of the article should reflect the content of the article, meet the requirements of informativeness and uniqueness (contain no more than 10-12 words). The title of the scientific article is written in capital letters in the center of the sheet as required by standard 7.5-98.
5. Above the title of the article on the left side is the index of the UDC (universal decimal classification), under the UDC is the code of the interstate of scientific and technical information rubricator – ISTIR ( /), further in the center are the initials and surname of the author and co-authors, their academic degree and academic title (if any) (military rank, if a serviceman), as well as linking the author and co–authors to the main place of work - affiliation. In this case, the name of the organization must correspond to the last official legal name, indicating the city and country.
6. The surname, initials of the authors, co-authors and the title of the article (bold) are mandatory under the title of the scientific article, then annotations in Kazakh, Russian and English (at least 100-120 words) are given describing the subject and conclusions of the article and meeting the requirements of informativeness (formulas, repetition of the title of the article are not allowed in the annotation; bibliographic references; it should reflect the summary of the article, while maintaining the structure of the article – introduction, goals, objectives, research materials and methods, research results and their discussion, conclusion/ conclusions), as well as keywords (3-5 words or phrases) in Kazakh, Russian, English, designed to search for the text of the article and determine its subject areas reflecting the narrow focus of the article.
7. In order to avoid distortion of the author's meaning, electronic translators should not be used when translating titles, annotations and keywords into Kazakh, Russian and English.
The text of the article is placed next.
8. When writing a manuscript of a scientific article, it is necessary to adhere to the following requirements:
Tables, figures, formulas should not contain discrepancies in the designation of symbols, signs. The drawings should be clear and clean. Scanned drawings are not allowed. The figures and tables in the text should be referenced. Formulas must be typed in the appropriate editor (for mathematical and chemical formulas). The article numbers only those formulas that are referenced in the text. Abbreviations and symbols should be explained in the note.
All abbreviations and abbreviations, with the exception of well-known ones, must be deciphered when first used in the text.
Tables should be titled, and empty graphs are not allowed in them. Abbreviations and symbols should be explained in the note.
9. Illustrative materials are presented in the following formats: for photos, drawings – tiff or jepg (300 dpi for black and white and color); graphs, diagrams, diagrams, etc. - exls, cdr. The number of the drawing and its name are indicated below it in the order of priority (in bold italics).
10. The list of references is drawn up in accordance with standard 7.32-2017. References to sources in the text of the article are given only in square brackets (without citation [12], when quoting or retelling the author's text [12, p. 29]). Links should be numbered strictly in the order of their mention in the text. The first reference in the text to the literature should have the number [1], the second - [2], etc. Information about sources should be arranged in the order in which references to sources appear in the text and numbered in Arabic numerals without a dot and printed with paragraph indentation. The bibliographic record is made in the original language. References to unpublished works are not allowed. Links to uncensored publications are undesirable.
11. After the list of references, information is provided one space below: the surname and initials of the author, co-authors, their full position (if any), as well as the e-mail address.
12. The design of the article is completed by one space below the information about the authors, a note about the date of submission of the publication to the editorial office. For example, «The article was accepted for publication on April 10, 2024.» This mark is made in the language of the article.
13. The author, when submitting manuscripts of a scientific article, should be guided by the requirements for the protection of state secrets in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 15, 1999 № 349-1 «On State Secrets», the article should not contain information of limited distribution.
14. The manuscript of the scientific article is accompanied by: - the expert opinion of the Registry office, on the basis of which the publication of the material in the open press is allowed; - a certificate of verification of the article material for the presence of borrowings (plagiarism, the originality of the article should be at least 65%); - a review of the article (including persons with academic degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences, PhD).
15. An author can publish no more than two articles in one issue of the journal, including co-authorship. The number of authors in one article should not exceed three people (the author and no more than two co-authors).
16. The author(s) is responsible for the content of the scientific article. The Editorial Board reserves the right to publish or reject the manuscript for publication. Manuscripts that do not meet the technical requirements will be returned to the author for revision. Manuscripts submitted to the editorial office are not returned.
17. Based on the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 4, 2024 № 3 «On Amendments to the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 22, 2018 № 752 «On approval of prices for goods (works, services) of military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan provided on a paid basis» editorial and publishing services (further – the fee) for the publication of 1 (one) scientific article in the scientific and educational journal «KHABARSHYSY-VESTNIK» is 2 500 tenge. The contribution is made after passing a scientific examination and a positive decision on the possibility of publishing an article in the next issue of the journal (the scientific editor notifies about this decision).
Details for making a contribution in second-tier banks:
Republican state Institution «National Defense University of the Republic of Kazakhstan» of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan
CODES – 2080376
BSN – 961240001096
HBC – KZ170703012080376001
КBе – 11
КNP – 859
It is mandatory to specify the purpose of the payment: Publication of one article in the scientific and educational journal «KHABARSHYSY-VESTNIK» for the __ quarter of 2024 from the full name (IIN – _________).
It is also possible to make a set payment through the Kaspi Bank applications (section «Payments» – National Defense University of the Republic of Kazakhstan – details are indicated below).
18. Materials for publication in the journal (with a set of documents designed according to the requirements) should be sent with the note «HABARSHYS» by e-mail to or to the postal address: index 010000, Astana, Nura district, 72 Turan Avenue, National Defense University of the Republic of Kazakhstan.