Military research center

On may 6, 1998, by order of the Minister of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 93, the Military-scientific center of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established – military unit 10234. The Military research center was assigned the task of conducting military theoretical and special research in the field of construction of the Armed Forces, as well as the development of military-technical programs for the armed Forces and their infrastructures.

The military science center was established at the Military Academy as a scientific institution of the Ministry of defense on the rights of the Department (total number-56 staff units), and had the status of a legal entity, an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts, printing, stamps and printing authority. The purpose of creating the Center as part of the Academy was to concentrate the scientific potential of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to attract the faculty, adjuncts and students of the Military Academy to applied and fundamental research.

Since 2003, the Military research center in accordance with the order of the Minister of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 14, 2003 No. 414 “on amendments and additions to the Charter of the military unit 10234” was reorganized into a Research center, reduced to 34 staff units and became part of the National defense University as a structural unit.

Since 2014, in connection with organizational events, the Scientific center of the National defense University has been renamed the research Institute of nuo.

The research Institute is the main structural division of the University, which carries out orders for research work in accordance with the long-term and annual plans of scientific work.


Department of the Military scientific research center:

  • Office for planning and analysis of scientific work
  • Department of military art research
  • Department of research of military history, problems of training and education
  • office of special research in the field of VVT
  • Editorial and publishing Department

Guidance document

Scientific work is organized in accordance with the guidelines:

  1. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About science ” dated February 18, 2011 No. 407.
  2. the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.09.2011, № 376 “On approval of the Instruction on the organization of scientific work in the armed forces of Kazakhstan”.
  3. order of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 20.09.2007 No. 268 “on improving scientific work in the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
  4. order of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 17.10.2012 No. 741 DSP “on approval of the long-term plan of scientific work in the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013-2015”.
  5. order of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 23 DSP from January 17, 2012 “Strategy of development of military science”.
  6. GOST 15.101-98. “The order of execution of scientific-research works”.
  7. GOST 7.32-2001. “Research report. Structure and rules of registration”.
  8. the

  9. of SES RK 5.03.011-2006. “Research work in higher educational institutions”.
  10. SSO RK 5.01.024-2008. Standard 7. «Research work».
  11. SSO RK 5.03.014-2006 ” higher professional Education. Educational and scientific laboratories of universities. Fundamentals».

Main direction

The main directions and tasks of scientific work at the University are the implementation of state orders of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the following areas:

  1. research of questions of military art on the General tactics (level of crew) and operational art (RGK, a kind of troops, a type of Armed Forces), ways of preparation and conducting military operations and operations;
  2. research of problems of military training and education, the organization of combat training and daily activity of troops, military problems of humanitarian (natural) Sciences;
  3. conducting military special research in the field of weapons and military equipment;
  4. performing research on military history, the history of military art, the history of construction and development of the Armed Forces, the problems of improving their combat readiness and combat capability, taking into account the prospects for the development of means and methods of armed struggle.

Main forms

Main forms of scientific work at the University

  1. research works (on orders, initiative);
  2. development work (participation together with enterprises and scientific organizations of the defense industry);
  3. participation in the development of normative legal acts for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  4. research on exercises, events of combat, operational, mobilization training, in the daily activities of troops and headquarters, exhibitions of weapons, military equipment, military equipment;
  5. development of scientific works (monographs, recommendations, reports on research work, scientific reports, articles, reports), educational and methodological manuals (textbooks), encyclopedias (dictionaries);
  6. reviewing, issuing conclusions for research work, scientific work;
  7. scientific conferences, meetings, seminars;
  8. conducting scientific competitions and reviews;
  9. guidance, consultation and opposition of research works of undergraduates and doctoral students;
  10. participation in the work of dissertation councils for awarding doctoral degrees;
  11. editorial and publishing activities in preparation for publication of scientific works, collections of conference materials (forums, seminars, meetings), periodical scientific publications;
  12. military-technical expertise of industrial work on the development, creation, modernization and testing of weapons and military equipment;
  13. inventive work.