Department of Military Management and Service of Combined Arms Headquarters of the Faculty of the Army

Head of the Department of Army Management and Service of Combined Arms Headquarters of the Faculty of the Army, Associate Professor
Pankov Sergey Vladimirovich
The Department of Military Administration and the Service of Combined Arms headquarters is one of the main educational and scientific departments of the University for training specialists in the specialties: “Management in military affairs”, “Logistics in military affairs” and “Social and ideological work in the military team”.
The Department of Army Management and Service of Combined Arms Headquarters participates in the training of military personnel in the master’s degree specialties – “7M 12101 – Management in military affairs”, “7M 12102 – Management in the National Guard”, “7M 12103 – Logistics in military affairs”, “7M 12104 – Social and ideological work in the military team”, “7M 12109 – Cybersecurity and information security systems in military affairs” and “7M 12111 – Radiation Chemical and biological protection and ecology in military affairs”.
Activities of the department:
- Organization and implementation of educational and methodological work at a high theoretical, methodological and scientific level in order to train highly qualified specialists with knowledge, skills, skills and professional qualities of officers for the Armed Forces;
- Carrying out scientific research aimed at the development of military theory in the field of command and control, improving the combat capability and combat readiness of troops;
- Preparation and release of educational publications (textbooks, teaching aids, educational and methodological complexes of disciplines), educational and methodological and scientific materials to ensure educational activities;
- Participation in the development of curricula, working curricula, structural and logical schemes of training specialists and schedules of training sessions together with the educational and methodological department and departments of the University.
The main tasks of the department:
- Organization and conduct of educational work at a high methodological and scientific level in order to train officers for the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CSTO countries;
- Participation in the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of the trainees, the formation of their military-professional qualities;
- Carrying out scientific research on the profile of the department aimed at the development of military theory, improving the combat capability and combat readiness of troops;
- Professional development of teaching staff;
- Development and improvement of the educational and material-technical base;
- Preparation and publication of educational, methodical and scientific materials to ensure the educational activities of the department.
Academic disciplines:
— management of troops and services of combined arms headquarters;
— topogeodesic support;
— fundamentals of combat simulation;
— geoinformation systems.