Faculty "Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces"

Deputy Head of the University - Head of the Faculty "Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces"
major General
Aliyarov Nurlan Kapanovich
The main goal of the faculty is to train highly qualified military personnel of operational-strategic, strategic management levels and doctoral studies in scientific and pedagogical areas.
The Faculty trains specialists to serve in the military administration bodies of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations and in state administration bodies whose sphere of activity includes ensuring military security and defense of the state.
During the educational process, undergraduates and doctoral students acquire skills in the theory and practice of military art, management of operational-strategic and operational associations, develop critical and analytical types of thinking that allow them to assess the current military-political situation and predict trends in its development, as well as make informed decisions.
The training program provides for types of practices, such as training and operational trips, internships (military, scientific, pedagogical) during which undergraduates and doctoral students consolidate their theoretical knowledge, improve practical skills and have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the task, practical activities of management bodies, scientific institutions and enterprises of the country’s defense industry.
On a systematic basis, command and staff exercises, a strategic war game with the involvement of representatives of state bodies are conducted.
In accordance with the state mandatory standard of education, qualification requirements for graduates of the Faculty of the General Staff, mandatory and profile disciplines are studied at the departments, research work is carried out, development, pre-defense of master’s theses of undergraduates.
Departments of the Faculty:
— Department of Operational Art;
— Department of Military and Public Administration;
— Department of Strategy.
The main tasks of the faculty:
— training of specialists in the field of military and public administration;
— operational and strategic training of senior and senior officers of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
— training of senior officials of executive authorities in the field of defense and security of the Republic of Kazakhstan from among state civil servants;
— conducting fundamental and applied scientific research on the problems of military science, military policy. Ensuring the security of the state, practical issues of construction, training, use and provision of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
— training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel of operational and strategic profile.
The main functions of the faculty:
— planning and organization in accordance with the working curricula of the educational activities of undergraduates at the faculty;
— monitoring the progress and attendance of undergraduates;
— formation of study groups, preparation of draft orders for enrollment in the first year and transfer from course to course;
— participation in the preparation of the schedule of classes, the schedule of exams and tests, monitoring their quality and progress;
— organization and control of the development of curricula and teaching materials in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards;
— planning, organization and continuous improvement of the research work of the departments of the faculty;
— planning and organization of research work of undergraduates of the faculty;
— organization, accounting and control of the implementation of individual work plans of undergraduates of the faculty;
— participation in the work of the university admissions committee;
— maintenance of documentation and preparation of accounting data of the faculty on educational, scientific, methodological issues, as well as documentation necessary for the certification of specialties of the faculty;
— carrying out activities and taking measures to ensure the safety of life and health of undergraduates and teaching staff during training sessions.