Faculty of Air Defense Forces

Head of the Faculty of Air Defense Forces


Utebaev Bostan Ismagulovich

The main goal of the faculty is to train highly qualified military personnel who are able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to solve the tasks of the operational and tactical management level, meet state and special requirements, have sufficient competencies, the level of which should meet the needs of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations in competent specialists.

Departments of the Faculty:
— Department of the Air Force;
— Department of Air Defense Troops.

The main tasks of the Faculty:

  • implementation of educational, methodological and scientific work in the areas and specialties of the faculty at a high professional level that meets modern trends and requirements for the training of military personnel;
  • satisfaction of the state’s need for qualified, competent specialists with postgraduate education and for highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel in the profile of the faculty;
  • approbation and implementation of modern technologies, methods and methods of training, including credit, information and communication, contributing to the rapid adaptation of vocational education to the changing needs of the Armed Forces;
  • continuous improvement of the educational process based on the integration of the scientific potential of the University, the system of effective management and the introduction of innovative educational programs containing new, qualitatively improved technologies, methods and forms of education;
  • organization and conduct of scientific research in the direction of the faculty and on the problems of vocational education;
  • study and use of domestic and international experience in training military personnel;
  • creating the necessary conditions for obtaining high-quality education aimed at the formation of a professionally competent personality, a competitively capable specialist capable of independently and creatively solving professional tasks, perceiving new scientific ideas and being a conductor of the latest technologies;
  • the development of creative, spiritual and physical capabilities of the individual, the formation of solid foundations of morality and a healthy lifestyle;
  • development of educational literature and teaching materials aimed at improving the quality of military personnel training.

The main functions of the faculty:

  • planning and organization in accordance with the working curricula of the educational activities of undergraduates at the faculty;
  • monitoring the progress and attendance of undergraduates;
  • formation of study groups, preparation of draft orders for enrollment in the first year and transfer from course to course;
  • participation in the preparation of the schedule of classes, the schedule of exams and tests, control over their quality and progress;
  • organization and control of the development of curricula and teaching materials in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards;
  • planning, organization and continuous improvement of the research work of the departments of the faculty;
  • planning and organization of research work of undergraduates of the faculty;
  • organization, accounting and control of individual work plans of undergraduates of the faculty;
  • participation in the work of the university admissions committee;
  • maintaining documentation and preparation of accounting data of the faculty on educational, scientific, methodological issues, as well as documentation necessary for certification of specialties of the faculty;
  • conducting events and taking measures to ensure the safety of life and health of undergraduates and teaching staff during training sessions.